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St Anselm Awards

The aim of this bursary scheme is to give the opportunity to able and deserving young people, who have much to offer the St Benedict’s School community, and would benefit enormously from the opportunity of attending a high quality Catholic independent school. 

It is envisaged that candidates for a St Anselm Award will come from families who would not otherwise have the financial resources to offer their children a quality independent (fee-paying) education. 

Means-tested St Anselm Awards are worth up to 100% of the school fees. Further means-tested assistance may also be available to cover other costs, such as uniform, music tuition and some trips. Up to five St Anselm Awards are available each year at the 11+ entry to Form 3 (Year 7). 

Who is eligible?
St Anselm Award holders will be very able young people, among the top 10% of academic ability nationally, who would clearly benefit from the academic education offered in our selective Catholic school, and would thrive upon the opportunities for academic stretch and challenge available at St Benedict’s.

Successful candidates for the St Anselm Award will be able to demonstrate strong interest, and a track record of success, in some aspect of their co-curricular programme. For example, they may be strong at sports, a proficient musician, or have had significant involvement in drama, dance or art.

St Anselm Award holders will show determination, ambition, and a desire to make the most of their gifts and talents.

Families will qualify to be considered for a St Anselm Award where they are able to demonstrate, through confidential means-testing, that they would not have the means to pay the school fees without the significant support available from a St Anselm Award.

As a guide in deciding whether to apply, consideration will be given to families with a combined total income of no more than £85,000 per annum.

It is important applications are supported by a suitable referee, who will usually be the Head of the applicant’s current school.

Parents who wish to apply for a St Anselm Award should request an award application pack from the Bursar’s office,, at the time of registration. 

An application must be completed and returned to the Bursar’s office no later than Friday 8 November 2024. Applications for an award will not be considered after this date. 

St Anselm Award applications are only considered if a Registration Form has also been completed.

Applicants will participate in St Benedict's 11+ entry process. Home visits will also be conducted during January 2025.

All offers of a place at St Benedict’s School alongside a decision on an award will be posted on Thursday 13 February 2025.

St Anselm awards are subject to annual testing, which may result in the award being varied upward or downward depending on parental circumstances.