We hope that this virtual welcome – from the Headmaster, Head Girl, Junior School and a Year 8 pupil – will give you an insight into what makes St Benedict’s an outstanding school for girls and boys aged 3 to 18.
A message from the Headmaster
A message from the Head Girl
Nursery and Junior School
A message from Blaise - starting school in Year 7
Frequently asked questions
Do children have to pass the assessments to be offered a place? What are they?
The School seeks pupils of above average ability in the 11+ assessments. Pupils sit exams in English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. Most candidates are then invited to attend a short, informal interview with the Headmaster or one of the Deputy Heads.
For further information about entry at other ages to the Senior, and Junior School, please follow the links below:
Do you have to be Catholic to come to the school?
Does St Benedict’s give preference to applicants who already have a sibling in the school?
What is the boy/girl ratio?
Does the School offer fee assistance to enable children to attend the School?
Fee assistance is available in the form of scholarships and bursaries. Scholarships are awards won by pupils who perform particularly well in competitive assessments. We award Academic, Music and Sports Scholarships at 11+ and 16+.
Further information on scholarships, including deadlines and forms can be found here.
Bursaries are awarded to pupils whose families simply do not have the means to pay the school fees, and are strictly means tested.
Further information on bursaries, including deadlines can be found here.
Please note that scholarship and bursary applications are only considered if a registration form has also been completed.
What are the class sizes?
How many places are available at 11+ each year?
How competitive is entry to St Benedict’s at 11+?
Which sports are played at St Benedict’s?
The principal sports in which we play matches against other schools are, for boys, rugby, cricket, athletics and fencing and, for girls, they are hockey, netball, athletics and fencing.
Other sports on offer at different points through the year include athletics, badminton, basketball, cross-country running, football, handball, hockey, tennis and volleyball.