Our tradition and approach
St Benedict’s has a distinguished tradition of sporting excellence. The school promotes the highest sporting aspirations and is also committed to physical fitness and sport for all. A wholesome approach to sport is encouraged in all our pupils from a very young age. Through our sports programme our pupils learn the value of teamwork, leadership, perseverance, commitment, humility, respect and discipline. Pupils are encouraged to develop the confidence that comes from participating and enjoying success by showing enthusiasm for games and competitive sport.
Sports played at St Benedict’s
St Benedict’s provides the opportunity for pupils to represent the school in our main sports.
For boys, the main sports are football, rugby, cricket, athletics and fencing; for girls, the main sports are football, hockey, netball, athletics and fencing.
Other minor sports on offer at various times through the year are badminton, basketball, cross-country running, handball, tennis, 5-a-side football and volleyball, with strength and conditioning, yoga and pilates also available. Our aim is to encourage all pupils to enjoy a healthy lifestyle by enabling them to find a sport they enjoy.