Rupa Huq talks politics at st benedict's

During a visit to St Benedict’s School this week, Rupa Huq MP for Ealing Central & Acton was invited to host a Senior School Assembly followed by a Q&A with Sixth Formers covering a host of topical issues.

The three-times elected MP, gave a candidly open speech recounting her journey into politics, the role of democracy in the UK and life behind the scenes at the House of Commons before being quizzed by a panel of Sixth Form students with a range of truly thought-provoking questions.
Speaking about her visit to the school, Dr Huq stated, “I really enjoyed my visit to St Benedict's Senior School to speak about the life of an MP during assembly. It was good also to catch up with the new Headmaster, Joe Smith and the team to talk about the school generally and life behind the staff room door as well as for the student body. The questions from the Sixth Formers were really sharp, and I feel there are some budding politicians out there. They also asked me for tips on elected life but have started much younger than I did!"

Sharing his thoughts on Dr Huq’s visit, St Benedict’s newly appointed Headmaster, Joe Smith said, "Our pupils were able to gain a fascinating glimpse into life at Westminster by questioning Rupa about her experiences as a Member of Parliament as well as a range of current political issues. It was particularly useful for students considering pursuing careers in politics and for those simply wanting to enhance their knowledge of the current UK political climate."