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Headmaster's Blog

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  • Quintessence of Dust

    Published 11/10/23

    If I mention the name Bennu, do you have any idea what I’m talking about? A clue: Bennu is 4.5 billion years old and parts of it, contained in a capsule, streaked through the atmosphere in a fireball and landed on target in Utah’s western desert last Sunday, after a 1.2 billion mile journey to Earth.

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  • Voting

    Published 11/10/23

    At what age do you think people should be able to vote in a general election? In the UK the voting age is currently 18, and has been for a very long time. However, the Labour Party have decided that they will reduce the voting age to 16 if they win the next General Election, which will probably be in a year or so’s time. Doing so would enfranchise – which is what we call giving people the vote – 1.5 million British teenagers, including some of you, of course.

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  • Rules

    Published 11/10/23

    I wonder how you feel about rules? Do you believe that they are a necessary aspect of life, which ensure the smooth functioning of society, or on the contrary do you feel that they are a cruel infringement of your freedoms and human rights?

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  • Values

    Published 09/10/23

    I hope that this academic year will be extremely rewarding and fulfilling for you. It might sound like an obvious thing to say, but a school exists for its students, and it’s my job, and that of the wonderful team of staff that we have at St Benedict’s, to help you to achieve your goals, to be happy and secure and, hopefully, to enjoy your school years. That said, that may not always mean that you agree with our decisions or our methods for doing this, but it’s extremely important to me that you feel respected and listened to here.

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