St Benedict’s ‘Outstanding’ Inspection Report
St Benedict’s has received a glowing inspection report from the Diocese of Westminster, which has judged the school ‘outstanding’ in all categories.
Inspectors commended St Benedict’s for the excellence of its teaching and pupil-teacher relationships, the strength and cohesion of its community, its engagement with parents and other schools, and the quality of the school’s leadership and management.
Pupils fully understand that all at the school are involved in working towards the aim to keep the principles of service, love and forgiveness at the heart of their community.
Diocesan Inspection, May 2019
The inspection report praises the way in which St Benedict’s pupils are developed as leaders, through the school’s focus on issues of social justice, both in the UK and worldwide. This is achieved through an extensive voluntary service programme, in which sixth form students work in local charity shops, primary schools and residential homes for the elderly each week, and through St Benedict’s active commitment to charities such as The Passage (which supports London’s homeless), Mary’s Meals, and The Foundation of Goodness, which provides help for rural communities in Sri Lanka. The report also highlighted pupils’ “religious literacy”, their “exemplary behaviour and attitudes to learning” and the school’s “clear vision for religious education to be the best it can be”.
Pupils’ exemplary behaviour and attitudes to learning are a key factor in the excellent progress they make.
Diocesan Inspection, May 2019
The Headmaster, Andrew Johnson, said: “We are delighted that the inspectors have recognised the school’s many strengths. The report is a great credit to our excellent staff and wonderful pupils.”
Leaders of religious education share a passion and clear vision for religious education to be the best it can be. They model excellent practice and continually seek ways in which to improve outcomes for pupils.
Diocesan Inspection, May 2019
Approximately 54% of St Benedict’s pupils are Catholics, with around 30% from other Christian denominations and approximately 6% from other faiths. The remaining pupils are from families who have not declared a faith.