Roald Dahl inspires Lower 4 Drama Competition

Lower 4 (Year 8) pupils at St Benedict's have been busily rehearsing for their Drama Competition all term, with their amazing performances celebrated in an Oscar awards ceremony!

Lower 4 pupils have been busily rehearsing for their Drama Competition this term. They performed four short plays by Roald Dahl - The Witches, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Fantastic Mr Fox and Matilda – guided and encouraged by Sixth Form drama students Alex Crown, Kaitlyn Moran, Caitlin Macgregor, Grace Fuchs, Elena Russo and Tori Dryden.
All of the Lower 4s were brimming with enthusiasm, and their remarkable levels of effort ensured that they were all pushed to their full potential.”
tori - sixth form director

“All of the Lower 4s were brimming with enthusiasm, and their remarkable levels of effort ensured that they were all pushed to their full potential”, said Tori. “It was a deeply valuable experience for all of us sixth formers as we were able to gain skills in directing that we didn't previously have, and it gave us all more confidence in our own ideas and perspectives of plays. We are all so proud of the Lower 4s and thank them for all their hard work.”

AND THE Winners ARE.....
Oscars for best actress go jointly to Iris W and Lucie R
Runner up - Isabel M
Oscar for best actor goes to Luke C
Joint runners up: Jamie P and Ranveer S
Best play goes to: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory