CCF Honour for Cdt Sgt Amy Vaughan

St Benedict's sixth form student Amy Vaughan has been awarded this year's cadet prize from the Worshipful Company of Tylers & Bricklayers.

St Benedict's sixth form student Amy Vaughan has been awarded this year's cadet prize from the Worshipful Company of Tylers & Bricklayers.
Every year a City Livery company presents an award to one member of adult staff & one Cadet, both belonging to any Royal Engineers badged Cadet unit within London District. The award consists of an engraved medal, certificate, cheque for £100, and an invitation to a formal lunch at Trinity House (which will take place in March 2022). It is a very military occasion with awards also going to regular Royal Engineers personnel.
We are delighted to have received official notification that Cdt Sergeant Amy Vaughan (who is in Year 13) has won this year's Cadet award. Her citation, written by Mr Hullis, Contingent Commander CCF, read as follows:
"Cdt Sgt Amy VAUGHAN joined our CCF (Army) a year late, having opted in Year 9 to focus on her Bronze Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. On joining, she therefore trained alongside recruits a year younger than herself, and from the very start looked after those younger pupils with the same selfless commitment which she brings to everything which she does: acting as an ambassador for her A Level subjects, debating, Model United Nations, fencing, and, of course, the CCF. Her ability to emerge cheerfully from a muddy night’s sleep under a basha in pouring rain on Cadet exercises suggests that the miseries of field archaeology in this country (her chosen course at university) will hold no terrors for her. However, there has been little opportunity for this in recent months, and it is in these challenging times that Amy has really proven her worth. When we moved to “virtual” CCF parades during the first lockdown, Amy was one of those NCOs who volunteered to teach lessons in this new format. She did so with confidence, imparting her enthusiasm, knowledge, and experience to her fellow cadets. When we returned to face-to-face training in September, Amy was in the forefront of training, passing her SNCO Cadre with flying colours (her planning and briefing for a hypothetical assault on Greenlands Camp on SPTA were admirable), and taking over Casey Troop (JNCO development). She imposed her will on these cadets – even her own brother! - and demanded the very highest of standards, helping to assess their teaching, drill, turnout, and commitment. Her recommendations for promotion entirely matched the judgements of the CCF staff. Despite some personal disappointments this year, she has never displayed anything less than whole-hearted commitment and a determination to be helpful. She is one of those unsung senior cadets who is always present and involved, but never seeks the limelight. She is a great credit to her Royal Engineers cap badge."
Colonel A.I. Denison, Colonel Cadets for London District, writes:
"I am pleased to tell you that the Tylers & Bricklayers have now decided who their Annual Cadet award will be made to. I am delighted to tell you that the 2021 winner is Cadet Sgt Amy Vaughan from your Contingent. Please inform Sgt Vaughan and pass on my hearty congratulations to her. This is a great achievement overall. I hope that Sgt Vaughan will be pleased with her award."
In 2017 Cdt Sgt Belinda Perez, a student at Cardinal Wiseman (St Benedict's CCF partner school) was the recipient of an award. We are delighted that two of our Cadets (both female) have been so honoured in such a short space of time.