St Benedict's 'Sporting Challenge' raises over £5k for charity!

St Benedict's pupils and staff have raised over £5,000 for two charities: The Passage (supporting the homeless) and The Sarah Cannon Cancer Research Fund.

This was a fundraising sporting challenge for the entire school - for all pupils aged 3 to 18 and their teachers. Shortly before half-term, everyone at St Benedict's was invited to run, walk and cycle a suggested minimum of 1km each. Many exceeded this, covering 5, 10 and even 100km individually, finding sponsors or donating money to support two chosen charities - The Passage and The Sarah Cannon Research Fund.
By the end of the 2-week challenge, St Benedict's raised a total of £5,016.68, collectively covering over 4,000km!

There were many outstanding efforts: Lily and Arabella (both in Year 13) walked the distance of a marathon together, while Alexander in Year 9 ran, cycled, walked and rowed 100.23km! - the furthest individual distance achieved in the entire challenge (exceeding Mr Stringer by just 4km). And the Junior School Headmaster, Mr Simmons, covered an amazing 373km.
The Headmaster, Mr Johnson, said: "It is terrific to have raised over £5,000 for these two worthy causes. I am very proud of our pupils, and indeed some of our staff, for showing such generous, determined support for this challenge."

The Passage is the UK’s largest centre for homeless and insecurely housed people, offering immediate help and longer-term support. The Sarah Cannon Research Fund is a cancer-care and research charity.