Old Priorians mentor L6 University Applicants

St Benedict's Year 12 students currently working on their UCAS applications are benefiting from the advice and insight of alumni currently at university, in a series of mentoring sessions.
This term, the Careers Department is running a series of mentoring sessions for the Lower 6th, who are starting to make their university applications. In addition to regular one-to-one discussions about courses, careers, personal statements and choice of university, invaluable insight and advice is also being given by Old Priorians (alumni) currently studying at university: via Microsoft Teams, OPs talk directly to Lower 6th students about their chosen courses and institutions, and answer questions.
English, History, Politics
Charlotte McCann: English Literature at Durham
Finlay Healy: History and Politics at Warwick
Imogen Rose Barrett Mogilany: History at Durham
Medical Sciences
Aspiring medics already attend Med Soc, run by Head of Chemistry, Mrs O’Connor – but not everyone interested in studying medical sciences wants to be a medic! The range of careers in medic-related areas, such as in vaccine development and medical engineering, are likely to expand post-Covid.
Vinciane Allicar: Biomedical Science at Brighton (speaking from Stockholm where she is studying this year)
Alex Curtis: Pharmaceutical Sciences at Nottingham
Jack Fitzmaurice: Medical Sciences at Exeter
Economics, Physics and Engineering
Ranaik Purewal: Economics and Politics at Manchester
Chris Moran: Economics with Industrial Experience at Exeter
Kristian Thomson: Economics with study abroad at Bristol
Isabelle Curtis: Engineering at Warwick
Eddie Bannister: Physics at Nottingham
Will Adams: Engineering at Exeter
James Ayson Parrish: Mechanical Engineering at Cardiff
Psychology, Geography, Maths and Computer Science
(Students and universities TBC)