Outstanding A Level Results at St Benedict's

A Level students at St Benedict’s have received excellent A Level results, with 64.5% A*-A grades and 36.1% A* grades.

The Headmaster, Andrew Johnson, said: “These grades are a great credit to our Year 13 students, who have worked extremely hard in the difficult, uncertain and sometimes stressful circumstances of the pandemic to achieve outstanding results. They have shown impressive resilience and should feel very proud of what they have achieved. I know that they are grateful to their teachers for doing their utmost to support them, enabling them to achieve the grades they deserve.”
In order to attain their A Level grades, students at St Benedict’s had to sit a series of assessments under examination conditions, which their teachers then marked and graded against criteria given by examination boards.
81% of St Benedict’s students have secured places at the UK’s top 30 universities, including Oxbridge, Russell Group universities and the majority (79%) will be heading to their first-choice university. Three students will study Medicine/Dentistry - at Bristol, Queen Mary's and Imperial College. And four students have been awarded places at the prestigious Kingston School of Art Foundation Courses.