Kindness Week

St Benedict's Kindness Week took place from 13 - 17 November across Senior and Junior Schools.
Each day for a week, our students were encouraged to practice kindness around the school as well as in their daily lives.
The week coincided with Anti-Bullying Week, where our Junior School pupils celebrated Odd Socks Day helping us recognise that it's OK to be different. Alongside celebrating individuality, they also participated in anti-bullying workshops with role-play activities, to help them think about bullying and its impact on others.
As the week continued to bustle with 'Kindness'; from wearing odd socks, and superhero capes, to designing posters and writing anonymous ‘kind’ notes to each other, it was rounded off with a giant display of students uniting by holding hands around the Junior School, wearing their superhero capes to symbolise how St Benedict’s stands up to bullying.
Take a look at how we have captured five days of kindness from around the school, showing that even the smallest act of kindness can go a long way!