Physical Education
Physical Education is a fast growing area of interest within many differing career pathways including sports medicine, sports marketing, sports psychology and physiotherapy, to name but a few. It is complemented by many of the other A level subjects as it contains sections on sporting Physiology, Psychology, Sociology, History and contemporary issues.
You will study:
- Applied anatomy and physiology
- Skill acquisition
- Sport and society
- Exercise physiology
- Biomechanical movement
- Sport psychology
- Sport and society and the role of technology
in physical activity and sport
In addition to two written papers, you will be assessed as a performer or coach in one activity from the list. You will also be required to complete a written/verbal analysis of a sporting performance.
To be successful in this A level you will need a genuine interest in all sports, as well as a strong interest in applied anatomy and physiology, exercise physiology and applied movement analysis, psychological and social principles of PE, and sport psychology.