The new academic year begins!
St Benedict's welcomed pupils back to school on Monday 5th September, ready to start the academic year 2022/2023!
After the long summer break it was wonderful to see St Benedict's burst into action once again on the first day of term - filled with the sound of over 1,000 pupils aged 3 to 18 sharing news, forming friendships, getting to grips with new timetables, enjoying breaktime and discussing the term ahead.
Michaelmas Term highlights include:
- Sports Festival in celebration of our 120th anniversary (9/9)
- Geography Field Trip to the Azores (departs 22/10)
- Politics trip to New York and Washington DC (departs 23/10)
- Book Week - Junior School and Senior School (October and November)
- St Cecilia Concert (18/11)
- Production of Shakespeare's The Tempest (22/11)
- Performance of Handel's Messiah (3/12)
- Carol Service (Senior: 12/12; Junior: 14/12)
New pupils in Year 7 and in the Sixth Form had already had the opportunity to find their way around, and to meet each other and their teachers at their induction day on the previous Friday. Children starting school in Reception were welcomed in on the first morning of term, with hour-long settling in sessions.
The day began with the Headmaster's Assembly in the Abbey Church followed by Mass.
This year's Sixth Form Heads of School - who lead a team of Decans (prefects) in helping with the day-to-day smooth running of the school, are Natalia, Robert, Alice and Arhat.