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Dance Show 2022: Myths & Legends

Over 100 St Benedict's dancers, from Pre-Prep to the Sixth Form, performed in a dazzling dance show on 17th and 18th March. 

Dance Show 2022

The theme of Myths and Legends gave huge scope for original, creative choreography, with pixies, goblins, werewolves and leprechauns filling the stage, along with more majestic figures such as Athena, Hercules, Queen Midas, King Arthur and Medusa.

We were delighted to welcome two alumnae back to the St Benedict's stage: Charlotte McCann (OP20), who choreographed 'Inception', a solo exploring time and space; and Coralie Payne, a student at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy (who has sadly had to suspend her training in Moscow because of the war in Ukraine), who danced an exquisite ballet solo.

Congratulations to the entire cast, from the little Year 1 jesters to the Sixth Form dancers, who all performed with professionalism, style, energy, grace and skill. And thanks to Ruth Kestenbaum and Christopher Aguilar for producing this memorable show. 

Dance Show 2022

Dance Show 2022


Tagged  Senior  Junior