Netball News

We are delighted to see our talented students involved in the England Netball Performance pathway!

The aim of the academies is to produce athletes who can go on to achieve world class-status.
Ivy M (Year 7) and Connie R (Year 8): U13 Middlesex Academy
Francesca N (Year 9): U15 Middlesex Academy
Isabella P (Year 13): Saracens Mavericks U19 Futures
Grace A (Year 11) and Emma Thacker (Year 12): London Pulse NPL squad (where they will take part in the National Performance League in 2020)
Emma T: England Roses Future programme.
Recent successes
After a difficult term with injuries, illness and absence the 1st VII got their first win of the season against Harrodian (21-10) on Saturday, December 7th. This was a great show of resilience, progress, and a great ‘high’ to lead us into next term.
Well done to the U12 Netball who have progressed in the Sister Sports Cup (National competition), after a fantastic 25-22 win again South Hampstead High School on Saturday, December 3rd.