Oxbridge Offers

Six St Benedict’s students have received Oxbridge offers this year.

Phoebe Daly-Jones and Paulina Sienniak have received offers from Oxford University to read Mathematics at Somerville College and Classical Archaeology & Ancient History at Corpus Christi College respectively. James Ball and Max Lubowiecki both have offers from Emmanuel College, Cambridge, to read Natural Sciences and Mathematics respectively. Two students who left St Benedict’s last year have both received unconditional offers: Matthew Barrett will read German at St Peter’s College, Oxford, and Aine McColgan will study Natural Sciences at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge.

The Headmaster, Andrew Johnson, said: “This is absolutely tremendous news and I offer my warmest congratulations to our six successful Oxbridge candidates. Not only have they demonstrated huge commitment to their chosen subjects, they have also made an outstanding contribution to the life of the school, and I have no doubt they will all excel at university and beyond.”