Sign-up time at the Co-curricular Fair

The eagerly awaited Co-Curricular Fair took place at St Benedict’s this week, showcasing the many excellent activities on offer at the school.

Teachers and senior pupils set up a series of colourful and enticing stalls so that the new Form 3 (year 7) pupils could see the huge range of activities which take place each week - before and after school, and at lunchtime. The Cloisters resounded with the evident enthusiasm of the punters, who eagerly signed up for activities such as Eco Council, Dance, Drama, Polyglots, a whole host of music and sports activities, clubs for Science, History, Art, Classics, Computing, debating, chess and many more.

With 59 different clubs, you can discover a new passion that you never even dreamt of having."

Activities help you to talk with other years and also they give you a bigger opportunity to become the person you want to be."
St Benedict's offers a wide range of musical activities. There's something for everyone."