The St Benedict's Combined Cadet Force Annual Review was held on Saturday, 13th May.
The afternoon began with the Contingent Commander’s Review of the Year. Parents, siblings and relatives enjoyed a presentation and short film which reviewed the year’s many and varied CCF activities.
Guests then moved to the viewing area on the Black Pitch and the programme was as follows:
1630hrs: Contingent marches on.
1640hrs: Inspection, Passing-Out Ceremony for 2022 Recruit Intake, & Promotions.
1700hrs: Presentation of Awards by the Headmaster, Mr Johnson
1715hrs: Contingent marches off
The event closed with a drinks reception in The Atrium after the parade.
The Conabor Sword 2022-2023

The Conabor Sword is awarded annually to the most outstanding Cadet in our Contingent, as decided by the adult staff of the Contingent. All Cadets – no matter what year or which school they are in – are eligible (except for the Head of CCF).
This sword was donated in 2015 by The Ecobians, the Association of Former Pupils of Ealing College (1820-2011).
CONABOR (“Endeavour” or “I Will Try”) was the motto of Ealing College. The sword was given in gratitude for the participation of St Benedict's CCF in the re-dedication of the Memorial Stone listing the names of the fallen of Ealing College during World War II, which is now housed permanently in The Cloisters.
Cdt Isabel MURPHY
External Honours & Awards 2022-2023
The Worshipful Company of Tylers & Bricklayers Award for the Best Cadet in a Royal Engineers Cadet Unit in London.
Deputy Lieutenant’s Certificates
In recognition of the achievements of Cadets from the London Borough of Ealing.
SSM Christopher VAUGHAN
Teeling Squadron Passing-Out
‘Recruits’ - usually Year 9s - in their first year in the CCF, are allocated to Teeling Squadron, named after brothers Ambrose & Luke Teeling. The brothers were killed on 25 September 1914 & 8 November 1918 respectively - our first & last casualties in the Great War. The two Troops in the Squadron are referred to as “Alpha” & “Lima”.
Forty-eight members of the 2022 intake of Recruits have earned the right to wear the beret of the Corps of Royal Engineers, to which our Contingent is affiliated.

(The remaining Recruits were unable to attend Recruit Camp & will receive berets on completion of Summer Camp.)
From Cdt to LCpl – Cdt Isabella WONG.
From LCpl to Cpl – LCpl Christel BOTELHO.
From Cpl to Sgt – Cpl Matilda CORREIA
St Benedict’s School CCF Awards 2022-2023
Teeling Squadron
The Hove Challenge Cup for Drill & Turnout - Rct Isabella WONG.
The Teeling Fieldcraft Cup – Rct James ALLWRIGHT.
The Teeling Marksmanship Cup – Rct Lola STONE.
The Teeling Attendance Cup – Rct Kacper MEJDUS.
The Inter-Section Patrols Shield for the Best Recruit Section - 14 Section
Collected by the Section Commander Cpl Yakira BARRADAS, on behalf of: LCpl Henry JOHNSON, LCpl Victoria KLOJZY,
Rct Maya KLICH, Rct Nel MARTYNOWSKA, Rct Kacper MEJDUS, Rct Oliver NITEFOR, Rct Alejandro SHALABY VASQUEZ,
Rct Patrycja SKINDZIER, Rct Lola STONE, Rct Oskar Urbanowicz, Rct Max WARZESZKIEWICZ, & Rct Isabella WONG.
The Casey Salver for the Best Recruit - Rct Maya KLICH.
This award, presented by a CCF parent in 2019, is named in honour of former Cardinal Wiseman pupil LSgt Chris Casey (Irish Guards), killed in action in Iraq in 2007.
Wilding Troop
This Troop is named after 2nd Lieutenant Patrick Wilding, Head Boy of St Benedict’s in 1942, who was killed in action in Italy in 1944 whilst serving as a Platoon Commander in the Rifle Brigade. Its members are Cadets in their second year, usually Year 10s.
The Wilding Drill & Turnout Prize - Cdt Hannah DORMANN.
The Wilding Endeavour Prize – Cdt Mitchel FERNANDES.
The Wilding Fieldcraft Prize - Cdt Tom SUCKLEY.
The Wilding Marksmanship Cup - Cdt Daniel REPLINSKI.
The Captain Spivey Salver for the Best Wilding Troop Cadet - Cdt Zachary BOWDEN.
Casey Troop
Cadets in their third year, usually Year 11s, serve in Casey Troop (which at the start of this year was so large that it became Casey Squadron). Casey Troop is named for Chris Casey, a former pupil of Cardinal Wiseman School, killed in Iraq whilst serving with 1st Battalion, Irish Guards, in 2007. As Casey Troop Cadets pass their leadership training & are promoted to NCO rank, they leave Casey & are allocated where NCO vacancies exist; the remainder are posted to
Ward (HQ) Troop.
The Casey Endeavour Cup - LCpl Fredrick GOULD.
The Oriental Indian Cup for the Best Instructor - LCpl Oubai CHBIB.
The Ubique Award for Junior Leadership - LCpl Henry JOHNSON.
The Sadiq Cup for the Best Casey Troop Cadet - LCpl Amelia CHWALINSKA.
Corps of Drums
The Corps of Drums is the musical & ceremonial element of the Contingent, giving Cadets the chance to perform at events both at school & externally. Cadets who join the Corps of Drums & display sufficient skill are known as “Drummers” instead of “Cadets” - no matter what instruments they play. Drummers can learn to play the drum, flute, & bugle – even if they have no prior musical experience- as well how to march as a Corps. Members of the Corps of Drums have to be committed & enthusiastic, as they have two CCF parades every week.
The Musical Development Award - LCpl Victoria KLOJZY.
The Corps of Drums Attendance Cup - Rct Maksymilian STRYJEWSKI.
Outstanding Contribution to the Corps of Drums - LCpl Maryan NITEFOR.
Contingent Awards 2022-2023
The Lieutenant Colonel Richard Baker Memorial Cup for the Head of CCF, presented at the St Benedict’s School Prize-Giving.
The Paul McComish Memorial Shield for the Best Marksman
This award is presented annually to the Cadet who is consistently the best shot in the Contingent.
The Captain Grant Award for the Best Cardinal Wiseman Cadet
Instituted by a former Head of CCF, CSM Laurel Dunne, this is named after Capt (now Major) Alistair Grant, SO3
Cadets at HQ LONDIST & our former SSI.
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme
After a gap of several years during which Duke of Edinburgh’s Award certificates have not been formally presented at St Benedict’s, we were delighted to present certificates to Cadets who have completed awards through the CCF’s DofE programme: six Silver Awards and twenty-five Bronze Award.