The Summer Concert

Soloists, choirs, ensembles and the orchestra gave excellent performances of a wide range of music, including Haydn's Piano Concerto in D, at the Summer Concert.

The Summer Concert is traditionally a platform for the talents of the Upper 6th leavers, who give their final musical performance at St Benedict’s. There were stunning performances of Haydn’s Piano Concerto in D (Douggie Ashby/String Group); Rojo y negro by Ramiro Gallo (Matthew Barrett: violin); Ravel’s Piece en forme de Habanera (Alex Curtis: trumpet), and three vocal solos: Sondheim’s Broadway Baby (Rosalind Sheehan); Emeli Sande’s Read all about it (Alexandra Thomas) and Pergolesi’s Se tu m’ami, se sospiri. Upper Sixth girls sang For good, from the musical Wicked and all the leavers joined forces at the end of the concert in a performance of Dancing in the moonlight, before thanking the Director of Music, all the music teachers and the Music Administrators for all their support and encouragement over the years.

Other performances
Orchestra: Mozart’s Haffner Symphony (1st movement)
On my own (from Les Misérables): Sharayah Munyi (Year 11)

Clarinet Group: Libertango by Piazzolla; Jambular (Wedgwood)

Concert Choir: O-re-mi (Nigerian song); Mangwani M’pulele (Sotho children’s song)

Brass Group: The Entertainer (Joplin)
Senior Jazz Ensemble: Summertime (Gershwin)

PAFTIES Choir: A selection, including Sumer is icumen in

Percussion Ensemble
Big Band: In the mood (Garland); Take on me (Waaktaar, Furuholmen & Harke)