Budding architects build bridges

A team of architects and architectural engineers came to St Benedict's Junior School on Tuesday 4th February to lead children in Form 2 (Year 6) in a workshop on 'Creating a Bridge'.
After an enlightening presentation about the world of architecture by Harbinder Birdi from Hawkins Brown, the pupils were set to work in groups of five or six to create their own bridge that would cross a railway track, inspired by the new Crossrail development. Using plywood, they constructed a bridge with lift shafts and entertainment pods, with each group being given a different location to adapt to. Some were set in the rainforest, others in Egypt or Iceland, and one group even took their bridge to Mars. Prizes were awarded to the groups which demonstrated the best teamwork, the most beautifully presented bridge, and the 'whackiest' design.
Pupil comments:
"The bridge-building workshop was a fun way to learn about architecture. My favourite part was building the main structure. I also enjoyed how we got the theme of ‘Egypt’. I would love to do it again." (Jerry)
"The bridge-building workshop was amazing and I really liked that we all worked as a team. It made me think about what it should look like and if it was stable." (Jamie)
It opened my eyes to see how fun and important architecture is."
"The bridge-building workshop was really fun because we have to work as a team and talk with each other to complete our goal. Eventually we succeeded." (Manos)
"You had to work with each other, think up original ideas to put into the pods. It opened my eyes to see how fun and important architecture is." (Charlotte)
"The bridge-building workshop was amazing. I loved how we worked together. I hope we can have another opportunity to do it again." (Owen)
"I really enjoyed building a bridge because I had never done it before. I loved thinking of original ideas to put in the pods. I loved working as a team. We coloured and attached the parts of the bridge." (Konstantinos)
"It was a real eye-opener to see how bridges are made." (Nick)
The bridge-building workshop was amazing and I really liked that we all worked as a team."
"I enjoyed creating a 3D model bridge and making it whacky and original. Doing it as a team was extra fun because you got to collaborate and combine each other’s ideas." (Nancy)
"This was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I enjoyed this workshop so much. Working in a team was my favourite part, and to be with other friends." (Aniela)
"I think my friendships grew even more because we worked as a team." (Milan)
"The bridge-building workshop was fun. We all worked together to create a big masterpiece and Kon, Max, Charlotte and Susannah were very helpful. I thank them for helping me." (Louis)