Brilliant Book Week at St Benedict's Junior School

Children at St Benedict's Junior School enjoyed a wonderful Book Week just before half term – their annual fun-packed week of book and reading related activities.
Of course, reading was central! The popular Read In saw everyone, staff and children alike, take time out from work to enjoy a quiet read. Books were happily shared, with older children reading to younger children. New friendships were forged. Staff from the Senior and Junior School talked to individual classes about the importance of reading in their lives and read their favourite pieces to the children. Books were bought at the Book Fair and from visiting authors. Everybody’s sense of the pleasure and knowledge books can bring was heightened.
But it wasn’t only reading that was encouraged and enjoyed. Four amazing author and author-illustrators visited the school: Gareth P Jones, Dan Freedman, Layn Marlow and Tony De Saulles. They shared their passion for writing and illustrating with the children. They related personal experiences, told colourful stories and communicated fascinating facts. They passed on practical tips to improve writing and illustrating skills and got the children to practise them. The importance of personal observation, self-belief and grit in the face of setbacks, together with a willingness to work and re-work pieces until they pleased, was all in evidence.
Other activities brought further fun. The Book Fair, supplied by Scholastic, was a busy and buzzy event selling over £1000 worth of books. It was lovely to see children and carers take the opportunity to browse for books together. Children creatively coloured in the Book Week posters for the Lucky Dip event. A Guess the Book Cover competition had everyone guessing! On the final day staff and children alike, from the Nursery upwards, metamorphosed into a colourful cavalcade of book characters. These marched around a rain and wind-swept playground in front of admiring parents before attending the final Assembly. The Drama Club then entertained everyone with a delightful rendition of Dahl’s Cinderella before the achievements of the week were celebrated. Our thanks to all who took part in Book Week and made it such a memorable time.
Celia Sweetman, Junior School Librarian
Book Week Costume Parade
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