U6th and U5th Prize Giving

The many achievements of St Benedict’s Upper 6th and Upper 5th students were celebrated in the Abbey Church on the evening of Wednesday, May 8th.

Prize Giving was attended by parents, pupils, staff, governors and friends of the school. The Guest of Honour was Professor John Sloboda OBE, an Old Priorian, Research Professor at the Guildhall School of Music and internationally known for his work on the psychology of music.
The evening opened with a processional fanfare, and Schubert’s Gloria in excelsis Deo, sung by the choir. The Head Boy, Lucian McFall, and Head Girl, Cerys Edwards, welcomed everyone to Prize Giving and the opening prayer was led by their Deputies, Paulina Sienniak and Thomas Goode.
The Headmaster, Andrew Johnson, summarised the many successes and highlights of the year. In his speech, he said that education at St Benedict’s helps pupils to find and develop their talents and interests through academic enrichment (from talks, trips, and independent research), wide-ranging co-curricular activities and opportunities to engage with voluntary service and charity fundraising.
Professor Sloboda echoed the Headmaster’s emphasis on St Benedict’s holistic approach, saying that St Benedict’s had given him a passion for science and music, standing him in good stead throughout his life. He urged pupils to show gratitude to the ‘team’ behind their own personal success, and to be single-minded in developing their gifts, ever mindful of St Benedict’s motto – a minimis incipe (from the smallest beginnings).
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