Catherine returns to sing at St Benedict’s

Mezzo-Soprano Catherine Bench (OP15) shared her Finals Recital with pupils and staff at St Benedict’s, before giving her Music degree performance at Durham University later this month.

This was the first public performance Catherine’s programme - The Faces of Love - before the final performance which will go towards her degree on May 31st. The recital explores the spectrum of love songs, reflecting the seven types of love defined by the Ancient Greeks.
We were delighted to welcome her back to St Benedict’s. A supportive audience, which included some of Catherine’s former teachers, enjoyed her beautiful, highly professional and expressive recital, performed in the Heritage Room on May 21st. Catherine was accompanied by the Director of Music, Chris Eastwood.
Catherine said: “Thank you all so much for coming. Your support means so much to me.”
We wish her well for her Finals Recital at the end of the month.
The Faces of Love
Non So Piu Cosa Son. Marriage of Figaro Mozart
Prendero quel brunettino. Cosi Fan Tutti Mozart
Récit Air de Lia. L’enfant Prodigue Debussy
Socrates, II. Bords de L’IIissus Satie
The Sun shall be no more Greene
Myself I shall adore. Semele Handel
Seven Poems by James Joyce E.J. Moeran